I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil 4:13

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas is Here!

Remember that song that the elves sing at the North Pole, Christmas is Here?!!? Megan was playing her new Bob and Larry Christmas cd and it's on there! Oh this got me so excited this morning! I have spent the last few days putting up all the Christmas decor and listening to my Christmas music and getting in the season but this song this morning got me so excited. I can't wait to see how excited the girls will be this month. Of course for Megan the month is not starting off so great. She was pretty good over Thanksgiving while in Branson, more about that later. Since we have been home she's back to being "meg". I finally told her last night that Santa doesn't come to little girls who cry and pout and shout. I had to sing the song of course! then i feel guilty cause i know i will still get her stuff. I must stop these useless threats. I feel like prayer is the only way for me to deal with her. Anyway, I'd love to get that elf on the shelf but really I'm trying not to buy stuff just to buy it. Oh well, I'm making my list of things to do with the kids for everyday this month. Some are service projects and others just Christmas fun things. Everyday is something. With a little education on the true meaning of course!

So Thanksgiving was lots of fun in Branson and Silver Dollar City. The girls had a blast and E did great staying home with Gigi and Pop! I'll post some pics later. I was missing me some baby love though by the time we got home. Of course at this age she didn't even notice I was gone.

The other night we decorated the tree. I let the girls do the majority of the decorating. Meg decided all the ornaments needed to go in the same spot! i had to do some rearranging later. Then the next morning she got up and rearranged them again! She's killing me! But i loved her face when she saw the tree, the look of awe and amazement! And when L came home from school yesterday and the house was finally put together! she was so excited too! i love seeing Christmas through a child's eyes!

Well, I'm off to finish cleaning and put this toot to bed for naptime! Oh, i forgot i need to clean out some toys to make room and give someone else a chance to play with something new!

I'm so jealous my friend Koleen is going scrapbooking this weekend! I can't wait till January when i go!


  1. I'm having a garage sale on Saturday if you want to throw in your toys. I talked to your sister last night and she said she might come down Saturday morning. I made the girls clean out their closets last weekend. So my hallway is full of old games, Polly Pockets, stuffed animals and naked Barbies!!

  2. What do you usually do with the toys you clean out? I need a place!

  3. Can I just tell you that my daughter has been soooooo difficult. You know her! : ) Anyways, we got Elf on the Shelf and she has had an awesome week. AND, the kids are super excited to find him every morning and this morning "Santa" sent a letter with the elf telling her how proud he was. I just have to say that it has worked awesome for us, so it might be worth a try!!

